Bcc Meeting Invites

Do you need to send meeting invites without disclosing the distribution list? In email we can use the Bcc field to send emails to lots of people whilst keeping their email addresses confidential, and whilst that feature is not available in meeting invites, there is an option which achieves the same result. The required optionContinue reading “Bcc Meeting Invites”

Teams Premium Meeting Protection

Microsoft Teams Premium is an add-on to Microsoft 365 and brings additional features.  In this blog series we’ll explore each of the 5 categories of features: I’ve also written an overview of Teams Premium and who needs it and a first steps guide for the public preview or all my Teams Premium articles on oneContinue reading “Teams Premium Meeting Protection”

Meeting Templates

Meeting templates will help users create meetings with the correct settings in meeting options as the template applies those setting automatically.  The meeting templates also help with governance as they enforce the meeting options set in the template.  Templated meetings published to the user show up on the New Meeting button in the Teams client,Continue reading “Meeting Templates”

First Steps with Teams Premium Public Preview

The public preview of Teams Premium is now available.  In this blog I’ll look at how to sign up and how to enable Meeting Encryption, Water Marking, Meeting Templates, Advanced Webinars plus some of the meeting branding experiences